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Actions Invoice already generated Order ID Company / User Date Total (Price + Shipping) VAT Total (Price + Ship. + VAT) Currency Shipping Name Shipping Price Shipping Price + VAT VAT Type Status Shipped Date Tracking Code VAT Name
AFS-22-71311 ABC Dair 2022-02-05 113.39 13.61 127.00 EUR Simple post 4.46 5 included Shipped 2022-02-05 20:23:39 VAT Southern Europe
AFS-22-74315 Bedřich 2022-03-29 16.67 3.33 20.00 EUR Simple post 4.17 5 included Shipped 2022-03-29 10:48:09 VAT Classic
AFS-22-75672 AFS Demo 2022-04-27 42.50 8.50 51.00 EUR Mondial Relais 5.00 6 included Shipped 2022-04-27 11:09:21 827GRF76688KHJG VAT Classic
AFS-22-82809 AF Software 2022-01-15 23.25 4.65 27.90 EUR Mondial Relais 4.92 5.9 included Shipped 2022-01-15 12:08:34 11442SSA4 VAT Classic
AFS-22-86631 AF Software 2022-01-19 11.77 2.12 13.89 EUR Mondial Relais 5.00 5.9 included Shipped 2022-01-19 17:10:25 84848df VAT Northern Europe
AFS-22-87535 Akiway 2022-01-24 73.04 8.76 81.80 EUR Mondial Relais 5.27 5.9 included Shipped 2022-01-24 16:30:31 94848j9 VAT Southern Europe
AFS-22-93496 Bonobo SARL 2022-03-07 130.00 26.00 156.00 EUR Mondial Relais 5.00 6 included Shipped 2022-03-07 19:05:26 9287ju383786 VAT Classic
AFS-22-93566 My Company 2022-01-20 108.39 19.51 127.90 EUR Mondial Relais 5.00 5.9 included Shipped 2022-01-20 14:01:19 AFS155SZE VAT Northern Europe
AFS-22-93828 ABC Dair 2022-01-21 55.67 11.13 66.80 EUR Mondial Relais 4.92 5.9 included Shipped 2022-01-21 21:25:21 01020304HDH VAT Classic
AFS-23-11822 igen 2023-03-24 82.11 18.89 101.00 EUR Simple post 4.07 5 included Shipped 2023-03-24 15:30:26 VAT East Europe